Stretch Mark Oil

Stretch Mark Oil


Detox Oil

Detox Oil


Cellulite Oil

Cellulite Oil


Slimming Oil

Slimming Oil


Baby CST & CST for Overseas Children

Baby CST & CST for Overseas Children

Baby CST and CST for Overseas Children

At Healing Gardens, we have therapies available not just for mothers, but also their new-borns.


Baby CST

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, non-invasive treatment that can help the baby transition more easily into their new environment outside the mother’s womb. Regular CST sessions can minimize the aftereffects of any trauma caused by caesarean, forceps, vacuum and other kinds of difficult birth. CST can also help to stimulate the suckling reflex for a child that has difficultly latching, improve the bond between parents and their baby, as well as promote healthy development of the brain and the nervous system in the new-born.

Baby CST with Kyoko 30MIN

$1000 (1st assessment + 8 sessions)

Trial session at $120.


Intensive CST for Overseas Children

Kyoko has been providing intensive therapy for a number of children from overseas and witnessing many wonderful improvements. Kyoko feels that it is her calling to help more children with special needs or developmental delays, so we are now offering special programs for overseas children, in order to accommodate each child’s needs.

Overseas Children Intensive CST with Kyoko or Celeste:

45MIN $820 (5 sessions) – For first-timer, assessment included.

45MIN $960 (6 sessions) – For subsequent sessions.

For overseas children, we are also able to tailor a program to suit their schedule and how long they are able to stay in Singapore, please contact us directly for more information or if you would like us to tailor a program for your child.


– Individual Session – Cash or by Paynow
– Package – Cash, Bank Transfer or Paynow

Please kindly note that we are not able to accept Credit Card payment in our Centre. Credit Card payment is only available for our products when ordered via our website.


LDT and LDT (Face) with Faris

LDT and  LDT (Face) with Faris

Lymph Drainage Therapy with Faris Tan

Many people have more health problems than they are aware of. Undetected and untreated, these can lead to stress, depression, migraines, PMS, infertility and menopausal problems. These “unseen” illnesses can affect your health, happiness and your career. Hormonal imbalance can lead to excessive weight gain when neglect of lymphatic system leads to a build-up of toxins in the body. Our metabolism rate slows down and we constantly feel tired.

Lymph drainage is a gentle form of massage that encourages the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues and back to the heart. LDT can not only revitalise you, it will also help to reduce stress, improve your immune system, metabolism and energy levels – so that you not only look good on the outside, but you also feel good on the inside.

LDT sessions are available with both our senior therapist Faris Tan with limited time-slots available. Please make an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment. Respective prices are as stated below.


About LDT with Faris Tan

She treats stress-related conditions such as fatigue, headaches and indigestion as well as neck/back pains, frozen shoulders. In addition she helps to resolve water retention issues such as heavy legs, swollen arms and ankles, and puffy eyes and cheeks, painful breasts before period and bruising. She can also help patients recovering from surgery by promoting the healing process and reducing scarring.
She can also treat Pre/Post Natal issues, including water retention, prevention of mastitis and reduce back and neck strain from breastfeeding after delivery.

Faris combines soft/deep tissue massage work with her Lymphatic Drainage Therapy to alleviate the aforementioned conditions. She has experience in treating many of the above mentioned conditions over the duration of her career.


Healing Gardens is now offering the following program with Faris:

LDT 60min $960 (6 sessions)

Trial session at $180.


– Individual Session – Cash or by Paynow
– Package – Cash, Bank Transfer or Paynow

Please kindly note that we are not able to accept Credit Card payment in our Centre. Credit Card payment is only available for our products when ordered via our website.


Lymph Drainage Therapy for Face with Faris Tan

The face is the most focal point of the human body, it is usually the first thing others see when they look at you. Swelling in unwanted places, puffiness, eyebags, wrinkles or even a double chin – these can affect our looks and our confidence.

At Healing Gardens, we understand the importance and value of a well-maintained face. Hence, we are now offering Lymph Drainage Face Therapy done by our senior therapist Faris Tan. Faris has a decade of experience, and with just her gentle touch, she can relieve the causes of swelling, sagging areas and wrinkles! Our Lymph Drainage Face Therapy also works perfectly in conjunction with laser treatment and other machine work to greatly improve your recovery and lessen any after-effects.

Our LDT Face Therapy with Faris comes highly recommended by Kyoko, who has tried it herself and seen amazing results!


LDT Face for Post-Laser Treatments

We know that firm and clear skin is important to our clients. While laser treatments can bring us the beautiful face we desire, the immediate after-effects are certainly not desirable.

Redness, swelling, and/or itching is a very common side effect of laser skin treatments. Even with less-invasive lasers, facial redness (erythema), swelling, and even itching are common post-laser side effects. These symptoms will usually subside after a few days, but is it necessary for us to have to suffer through those few days? If you go for weekly laser sessions, that would mean you could not show your face for half the week!
Pairing Lymph Drainage with your laser therapy offers you the luxury of maintaining a beautiful face, without the downtime. Lymph drainage can help to drain away any excess fluid accumulated in the face, and relax the newly-formed collagen and elastin fibres, so your skin is firm without being tight.

When used with laser tattoo-removal, the Lymph system will remove the ink crystals from the body. In a similar manner, Lymph Drainage can also remove any waste products and toxins in the face after your laser treatment.

With regular Lymph Drainage, preferably as soon after laser treatments as possible, recovery time is greatly reduced, so you can show your face confidently as soon as possible!

Lymph Drainage Face Therapy (LDT Face) sessions are available with our senior therapist Faris Tan with limited time-slots available. Please make an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment.


Healing Gardens is now offering the following program with Faris:

LDT Face – 60MIN $960 (6 sessions)

Trial session at $180.


– Individual Session – Cash or by Paynow
– Package – Cash, Bank Transfer or Paynow

Please kindly note that we are not able to accept Credit Card payment in our Centre. Credit Card payment is only available for our products when ordered via our website.


About Faris Tan – Senior Therapist

Faris brings a wealth of experience to the team, having started working alongside Kyoko at Healing Gardens more than a decade ago. She has diplomas in Aromatherapy, Anatomy and Physiology and Body Massage. Additionally, Faris has undergone upgrading courses such as Lymph Drainage Therapy (Level 1 to 3) and Lymph Articular Fluid Release organised by The Living Well Workshop Co. and conducted by the Chikly Institute and the Barral Upledger Institute. Faris has also completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine).


What our clients have to say about Faris:

“Faris is always approachable and friendly and patient. She is very good at what she does and relieves a lot of my pain. Thanks Faris!”
Natalie A.

“I have been seeing Faris for treatment for quite a while, and I would definitely recommend her to others. She is very good at pinpointing problem areas and sore spots, which ensures that I always feel much better after my session with her. Without her regular therapy to help me maintain my well-being, I would be not be able to function this well!”
X. W.

“She knows exactly what my body needs each time I see her, and she always manage to treat my problems. Her weekly sessions are essential for me. Thank you for fantastic sessions, Faris!”

LDT & LDT (Body + Face) with Celeste

LDT & LDT (Body + Face) with Celeste

LDT & LDT (Body + Face)

Lymph drainage is a gentle form of massage that encourages the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues and back to the heart. LDT can not only revitalise you, it will also help to reduce stress, improve your immune system, metabolism and energy levels – so that you not only look good on the outside, but you also feel good on the inside.

Founder of Healing Gardens, Kyoko maintains her optimal weight and stays in healthy. However, more than ten years ago, she looked and felt terrible. Then working as an oil broker, her health was declining rapidly and she had frequent headaches and lower backaches. Her menstrual cycle was irregular and felt tired all the time. After using tested 100% pure natural essential oils and having regular lymphatic drainage treatments, she now maintains the same weight as when she was in her 20’s and keeps healthy body.

Kyoko’s desire is to share her secrets of weight control with other women: “I feel really sad when I see women looking older than they should and suffering from undetected and untreated problems”.

LDT and LDT (Face + Body) are available with our therapist Celeste Foo. Please make an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment. Respective prices are as stated below. Intensive packages are also available for the following treatments to achieve maximum results in a shorter time.


LDT with Celeste Foo

Therapist Celeste Foo started working at Healing Gardens in 2011 under Kyoko’s mentorship, since then she has obtained a diploma in Lymph Drainage Therapy from ITEC in 2011 and completed the basic course for Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy at Singapore General Hospital.

Celeste makes use of both Lymph Drainage Therapy and Aromatherapy massage with Healing Gardens’ specially blended oils (Slimming, Cellulite or Detox) to help the client to achieve not just a healthier, slimmer body, but also improve their overall well-being.


Healing Gardens offers the following programs with Celeste:

LDT 60MIN $960 (6 sessions)

Trial session at $180.

Healing Gardens also offers Kyoko’s secret blend of Slimming Oil to be purchased for home use in conjunction with our LDT- Slimming Program.

One of our long-term customers, Amelia, has been using our Slimming Oil for last 10 years and it has kept her slim and fit. When she had her first consultation with Kyoko in 2000, she was much heavier and felt constantly tired. She was suffering from frequent tension headaches and throat infections. After using the Slimming Oil, which is not only effective for weight loss but also effective for detoxifying the body, she now has a very healthy and attractive body. She looks fabulous and much younger than her age.


LDT Body + Face

LDF is one of the newest innovations by Healing Gardens’ founder, Kyoko Saeki. She combined LDT technique with CranioSacral techniques which she specializes in.With LDF, three essential flows in the body are stimulated, blood circulationlymphatic circulation and flow of cerebrospinal fluid which nourishes our brain cells and nerves along the spine.

By nourishing the skin, ageing lines are reduced and skin will become firmer, giving it an instant face lift à la Botox while eliminating those unsightly eye bags.

LDT Body and Face 90MIN $1430 (6 sessions)

Trial session at $240.

Products that complement our Lymphatic Drainage facial include our specially made Rose Water.

To preserve her skin, Kyoko uses Healing Garden’s special blend of Rose Water after cleansing her face in the evening.  It nourishes the skin and gives her a bliss-consciousness with its’ beautiful aroma.  To make our Rose Water, Healing Gardens uses only a premium Rose Oil called Rose Otto which is very rare in the market place, as it costs $580 for just 5ml. Our Rose Water is made-to-order and must be ordered in advance.


LDT Face + Head Massage

Relaxing Lymphatic Drainage on the face to lift and brighten, removing water retention and toxins, combined with Tension Release massage on the head, neck and shoulders – to stimulate blood circulation and relieve tension in the muscles.
This therapy can be done fully-clothed, and will help to combat the negative effects accumulated by constant use of computers and devices, poor posture, and even tension caused by daily mask-wearing.
Recommended for clients who have the following conditions: stiff neck and shoulders, migraines, brain fog, sinus inflammation, jaw tension, puffy face and eyes, poor sleep quality.

LDT Face and Head Massage 30MIN $480 (6 sessions)

Trial session at $90.


– Individual Session – Cash or by Paynow
– Package – Cash, Bank Transfer or Paynow

Please kindly note that we are not able to accept Credit Card payment in our Centre. Credit Card payment is only available for our products when ordered via our website.


About Celeste – Therapist

Celeste started working at Healing Gardens in 2011 under Kyoko’s mentorship. Since then, she obtained diplomas in Aromatherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Anatomy & Physiology from ITEC (2012), a certificate in Pregnancy Massage from NurtureLife (2013), and then a diploma in Specific Sports Massage from ITEC in 2014. Celeste has also undergone training in Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage at Singapore General Hospital. Celeste is currently pursuing a Bachelor degree in Rehabilitation and Health Science with Charles Sturt University.


What our clients have to say about Celeste:

“I’ve been well after I started the massage here. Not only their assessment and skills are always reliable but also they are with good understanding of the client condition, weather, and changes to tailor at each session. I can’t miss this nowadays.”

M. Y.




What is CST?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands on method for evaluating and enhancing the function of the Craniosacral System.  This system comprises of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protects the brain and spinal cord, and it influences the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord.

How was it developed?

Cranial Osteopathy was originated by physician William SutherlandD.O. (1873-1954), who studied under the founder of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still, at the first American School of Osteopathy (now A. T. Still University) in 1898-1900. While looking at a disarticulated skull, Sutherland was struck by the idea that the cranial sutures of the temporal bones where they meet the parietal bones were “beveled, like the gills of a fish, indicating articular mobility for a respiratory mechanism.” This idea that the bones of the skull could move was contrary to contemporary anatomical belief.

Upledger developed his own treatment style, and when he started to teach his work to a group of students who were not osteopaths he generated the term ‘CranioSacral therapy’, based on the corresponding movement between cranium and sacrum. Craniosacral therapists often (although not exclusively) work more directly with the emotional and psychological aspects of the patient than osteopaths working in the cranial field. The Upledger Institute, formed in 1987, has many international affiliates united by Upledger’s International Association of Healthcare Practitioners.

What does Craniosacral Therapy do?

The method generally requires only five grams of pressure – the equivalent weight of a nickel – to test for restrictions in various parts of the craniosacral system.  Any imbalance or restriction in it could potentially cause sensory, motor or neurological disabilities like motor co-ordination impairments, learning disabilities, dyslexia, behavioral problems and autism.

Does Craniosacral Therapy require any special tools?

Absolutely not.  What we need is just our hands. 

How often does Craniosacral Therapy need to be done?

Usually Kyoko treats patients weekly basis.  For more severe cases, she even treats them twice a week. 

Does Craniosacral Therapy hurt? 

Some time, patients really complain about discomfort – such as pulling sensation and a bit of pain in the head.  This is due to releases of congestions in the craniosacral system.

What results can Craniosacral Therapy produce?

Every individual will experience CST differently and results can be diverse as well.  The goal, however, is achieved by helping the body to correct its dysfunction, thus regaining homeostasis, reduced symptoms and improved well being.

Who can benefit from it?

It is suitable for anyone, young and old.  Among the medical conditions for which Craniosacral Therapy has shown to be effective are:

  • Autism
  • Speech Delay
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity
  • Migraine/Headaches
  • Chronic Neck & Back Pain
  • Temporary Mandibular Joint Dysfunction
  • Stress and Tension-Related Problems
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Tinnitus
  • Motor-Coordination Impairments
  • Central Nervous System Disorders
  • Orthopedic Problems
  • Scoliosis
  • Infantile Disorders
  • Colic
  • Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Emotional Difficulties
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Post Surgical Dysfunction
  • Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders


What kind of programs are offered for children and adults?

For first-time patients, we offer the following programs with Kyoko and Celeste:


CST for Children 30MIN

1st assessment + 8 sessions at  $1000.

8 sessions at $880.

Trial session at $120.


CST for Adults 45MIN

1st assessment + 6 sessions at $1140.

6 sessions at $960.

3 sessions at $510.

Trial session at $180.


– Individual Session – Cash or by Paynow
– Package – Cash, Bank Transfer or Paynow

Please kindly note that we are not able to accept Credit Card payment in our Centre. Credit Card payment is only available for our products when ordered via our website.


Programs for continuing patients do not include an assessment and will be tailored to suit individual needs.


About Kyoko Saeki – Founder

Kyoko obtained her certification for CranioSacral Therapy from the Upledger Insitute after finishing Advanced Craniosacral Therapy and has been using her techniques to treat children since 2002. Kyoko also achieved a Bachelor of HealthScience (Complementary Medicine) degree after studying NeuroScience – Physiology of Behavior in 2001.


About Celeste Foo – Therapist

Celeste started working at Healing Gardens in 2011 under Kyoko’s mentorship. She obtained her certification for CranioSacral Therapy from the Upledger Insitute in 2014. Since then, Celeste has been assisting Kyoko in treating both adults and children. Celeste is currently pursuing a Bachelor degree in Rehabilitation and Health Science with Charles Sturt University.


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Our Location

Address Healing Gardens
91 Tanglin Road #03-07
Tanglin Place
Singapore , 247918
Phone (65)6733 3507
Fax (65)6733 7910

Company Profile

Healing Gardens Company Profile


Healing Gardens is a holistic healing centre located in Singapore, set up in 1999 by owner and founder, Kyoko Saeki. With a strong conviction to promote clinical and holistic aromatherapy and craniosacral therapy to maintain mind-body balance, she believes that every individual deserves the right to rest their body, mind and soul to maintain the balance in life. The centre is the realization of her dream to offer a safe place to people to transform their minds and bodies. Kyoko’s wish is for each and every person who comes to the center to experience “bliss-consciousness”, which is very important for both the mind and the body’s the well-being.


Swapping Petroleum for Healing Oils

Tired of the corporate world despite the big bucks, Kyoko Saeki abandoned a lucrative career as an oil broker to answer a calling to become a healer of tired bodies and minds. In 1997, she was ending her career in the oil industry after realizing that her soul purpose was to provide a safe place for people to transform their minds and bodies through aromatherapy.

As a broker, she worked long hours and negotiated naphtha and petroleum contracts under tremendous stress. Even after work hours she found herself mentally preoccupied with numbers and obsessed with the ups and downs of the crude markets. As the stress weakened her immune system, visiting the doctor every month either for flu or persistent headaches became a part of her life. She kept Panadol on her office desk so she could reach out for them when headaches struck especially since she had to negotiate with traders on the telephone for hours.

Then she discovered essential oils. She stumbled upon the oils when her friend who had just returned from England gave some to her as a souvenir. Struck by the positive effect the oils had in altering her mood, she found herself less irritated and better able to concentrate on work as her headaches alleviated.

Around the same time, she enrolled in “Pathways to Wholeness”, a spiritual and self-realization course at The Work Sanctuary. Having had enough of nine years in the petroleum industry, which she felt was characterized by pressure, stress and a widespread penchant for money and materialism, she chanced upon a life-transforming opportunity through her delightful experience with essential oils.

Armed with three diplomas in aromatherapy/anatomy, physiology and massage/ reflexology, she set up Healing Gardens, a holistic healing centre, in 1999. The aromatherapy centre was the realization of her dream to offer a safe haven in which people could transform their minds and bodies. “I wanted for those who came to the centre to experience a bliss-consciousness, which is very important for our well-being,” says Kyoko.

Her early years of practice as Aromatherapist also helped her to write Hormonal Balancing Programme to share her knowledge with her co-therapists, which they could then use to treat women during and after pregnancy. When she launched her Aromatherapy practice, she attracted many women who were suffering from irregular menstruation, cramps during menstruation, infertility, PMS, menopause. She experienced unexpected yet wonderful results in restoring the hormonal balance of many women so that they could have children they desired.

Kyoko, now a well-settled Singapore Permanent Resident, researched how doctors in Japan were using essential oils to treat a host of medical conditions. Essential oils work very much like any other medicines due to their bio-chemical effects. The molecules of essential oils also reach the limbic system in the brain to affect our mood and emotions.

Today, Kyoko and her team at Healing Gardens offer more than just aromatherapy: they combine customized essential oil blends, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) and Kyoko’s specialized CranioSacral Therapy (CST) techniques to help restore perfect health to each individual.

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